CBC Fremantle, 51 Ellen Street, Fremantle

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CBC Fremantle is listed in the following categories: Establishment   University  


+61 8 9336 2700

51 Ellen Street, Fremantle, Western Australia 6160

Establishment   University  

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  • Jules D-P
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    I am a student at a local Fremantle school. My friends and I choose to wait after school at a bus stop on High Road Fremantle, that just happens to be outside of Christian Brothers College.
    Today my friends and I, while waiting for the bus were, (much to our amazement?!) subject to snide comments by a female CBC teacher, who seemed to be actively encouraging the CBC boys also waiting at the same bus stop to be aggressive towards us by stating that... "you JC kids have your own bus stop, so CBC boys...make sure that you get on before them."
    This comment then seemed to cause the CBC boys to make unnecessary rude and negative comments toward us, whilst "yaying" ?? their teacher.
    Wow! Good on you Miss? Way to go.
    (Maybe not Miss? as we noticed you are with child). However, we didn't think it was a great idea for a teacher to actively promote "bad blood" between local schools by making divisive comments.
    As far as we know? this is a public bus stop, funded in part by our tax paying parents, and we have every right to choose to catch the bus from that location.
    If CBC has a private arrangement with the government, whereby that bus stop is exclusively for their students? then the teacher in question should have said something, and myself and my friends will wait at another stop. If not? This particular teacher, representing that school, does not have the right to authorise preferential treatment as to whom enters the bus first and in what order.
    Should you read this message "Miss?CBC"? At our school, JCCA, they teach us that we live in a democracy, without prejudice, and therefore we can, (and will), catch the bus at any location that we choose, without an expectation of harrassment from anyone?
    Should you have a further problem with myself and my friends waiting at that particular bus stop? I am happy to give you my personal details, and my parents have told me that they, in turn, would like yours, as they are very interested in taking this issue up with the "relevant" authorities should you continue to bully us.
    Thanking you.
    Best regards
    One of the girls in a blue school uniform, waiting at the (public)? bus stop on High St that "just happens" to be located outside of CBC Fremantle.
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CBC Fremantle is based in Fremantle. Full address is 51 Ellen Street. Australia postal code is 6160. We invite you to visit the official website of CBC Fremantle . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 8 9336 2700 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of CBC Fremantle.
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